Precision Agriculture services using cutting edge methods and technological means (Satellites, UAVs/Drones, Internet of Things, etc)
Precision agriculture is based on agricultural product manufacturing processes through management of field inputs, both spatially and temporally, according to the actual needs of the crop.
Modern precision farming systems rely on the capabilities provided by new technologies in conjunction with information systems such as:
- the recognition of spatial and temporal variation,
- the identification of the real needs of a crop
- the development of technological systems for controlling crop inputs AND
- the collection, processing and transmission of a large number of data and information anywhere, anytime, in real time.
Services of agrometeorology and impacts of climate change/variability, as well as extreme weather events (soil irrigation, disease prediction, production estimation, etc)
Agrometeorology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge with a more holistic approach than that of climatology or biology. The main scientific fields are atmospheric sciences (weather forecasting and modification) and earth sciences, which are focused on the natural environment (weather phenomena effects), hence it forms a combination of natural and biological sciences as well as an important link between them. Its interdisciplinary character has the advantage of understanding the interactions between the natural and biological worlds.
The hierarchical approach to agrometeorological services is presented below:
- Formation of natural environment and biological reactions
- Biological reactions interpretation
- Agrometeorological forecasts
- Agrometeorological services and strategies
Μελέτη: «Εναέρια χαρτογράφηση αμπελώνα, με σκοπό την εκτίμηση της παραγωγής και την ανίνχευση ζωνών που επηρεάζουν την παραγωγική ικανότητα της καλλιέργειας»
Α. Λήψη εναέριων φωτογραφιών με χρήση ΣΜηεΑ/DRONE
Β. Αποτύπωση και μετρήσεις καλλιέργειας από αέρος
Γ. Εκτίμηση βλαστικής ανάπτυξης