Our vision
The vision of Pangaeasa is the modern interdisciplinary approach to intelligent and environmentally friendly agricultural development.
Among Pangaeasa's goals are the development and implementation of technological innovations and know-how, in the modern rural area, through networking, coordination and collaborative actions on multi disciplines, thus covering the fields of precision agriculture, meteorology, informatics / telematics and construction technologies.
Valuable tools for the efficient implementation of innovations in the field of agriculture are the precision agriculture toolkit (AgroNIT) as well as the agrometeorology and computer-telematics & automations.
The pioneering AgroNIT service integrates the most modern communication technologies into primary agricultural production, seeking to identify the real needs of a crop, depending on the prevailing conditions in its environment, with the aim of applying the most appropriate cultivation practices at the plant level. This way simultaneously achieved both, savings and the most efficient use of the available resources, with significant reduction of production costs, as well as, minimization of undesired environmental effects, increasing crop yields and improving the quality of products on a sustainable manner.
Precision farming is based on agricultural production processes relying on the management of field inflows, both spatially and temporally, according to the real needs of the crop.
Modern precision farming systems are based on the capabilities of new technologies coupled with informatics such as:
the recognition of spatial and temporal variability,
the identification of crop needs and
the development of technological systems for the control of crop inflows.
the collection, processing and transmission of a large amount of data and information anywhere and anytime, in real time.
Agrometeorology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, with a more holistic approach than the approach of climatology or biology. The main scientific fields are atmospheric sciences (weather forecasting and modification) and earth sciences, which are interested in the natural environment (effects of weather phenomena), ie a combination of natural and biological sciences as well as an important link between them.
Its interdisciplinary character gives the advantage of understanding the interactions between the physical and biological worlds.
The hierarchical approach of agrometeorological services is presented below:
Formation of natural environment and biological reactions
Interpretation of biological reactions
Agrometeorological forecasts
Agro-meteorological services and strategies
The sciences-technologies of information technology, telemetry, automation and remote sensing, in recent years have been developed to such an extent that it is now possible to implement them on a large scale, with low cost and high quality results (telescopic systems, satellite and terrestrial weather forecasting systems, mobile telephony, UAV-Drones, wireless sensors, etc.). For example, the rational use of irrigation water is always a very important factor in improving the overall management of water resources and improving agricultural production.
Today, with the combined use of the aforementioned technologies, the irrigation of crops is significantly improved, which in turn leads to water savings, improved production and minimizing the burden on the environment and the total cost of production.
The main benefits of using technological innovation as AgroNIT, are the following:
Direct monitoring of critical parameters
Minimize inputs
Saving irrigation water and other resources
Increasing the quantity and quality of production
Reduce production costs
Minimize the impact on the environment
The pioneering AgroNIT service integrates the most modern communication technologies into primary agricultural production, seeking to identify the real needs of a crop, depending on the prevailing conditions in its environment, with the aim of applying the most appropriate cultivation practices at the tree level.
In this way, the savings and more efficient use of available resources are achieved simultaneously, with the immediate result of a significant reduction in production costs, as well as environmental protection, with the aim of increasing crop yields and improving the quality of products produced. sustainable way.